Which Technology Is In Demand In It Jobs

Which Technology Is In Demand In It Jobs For Relocation

IT jobs are considered to be the best jobs for relocation. Job opportunities for IT professionals are more than in any other industry, and demand is more than supply. According to Mercer study, India’s cost of living has increased by 15%, but salary increase in the same period was only 4%. Indian company’s top priority is on business growth rather than focusing on increasing the salaries of their employees. So now the question arises that with such few salaries, how can people afford the high cost of living? These situations lead to a demand to move towards IT jobs for relocation. People are shifting to western countries like the US, UK, etc., where they can give a better life to their family members with better salaries and which is possible only with IT job opportunities. Nowadays, every country wants a skilled workforce.

Data Science is the future of technology. Information Technology is becoming one of the most important parts of our life that have emerged as a crucial factor in today’s world economy. It is all due to the advancement of Information Technology that we are able to communicate with everyone on this planet within seconds through social media sites, emails online chats, and telephone. In addition, it has become possible now to do online shopping from anywhere around the globe and have things delivered to your doorstep within a few days.

Machine Learning

Microsoft introduces a new service called “Azure Machine Learning” which will enable data scientists and developers to harness the power of predictive analytics by using simple drag-and-drop tools such as “REPL” (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) scripting. Developers can build their own models using algorithms that are pre-trained in areas such as vision, speech, language, recommendations, and others.

Azure Machine Learning Studio

Azure Machine Learning is designed to work with relational databases, big data file formats (like Parquet), streaming services (like Kafka) & cloud storage services (like blob storage). Microsoft has also provided a new Visual Studio plugin for editing experiments in Azure ML studio or have them scripted out by using REPL scripting. It uses Python and R programming language’s syntax today, and we can expect more languages like Java and Scala to be added soon.

The Studio is built on top of Visual Studio 2013 and uses Python (2.7/3.4)and R (2.15). Language APIs are available in C#, F#, Java, Scala & Python for now with an upcoming expanded list. We can write code modules to perform custom tasks like data ingestion, transformation, or feature engineering using the language-specific libraries provided by MMLS which acts as a bridge between our code and Azure ML APIs like Web Services/Web Jobs/Data Pipelines, etc. For, e.g., we can expose .NET CLR routines as web services then use them to reference into Azure ML models or experiments just like any other web service calls! The Visual Studio plugin enables us to record experiments visually using GUI & automatically embeds ML & AI models within our apps using .NET libraries, which eliminates the need for writing any custom code.

We can take text (structured or unstructured) as input, apply various pre-trained Machine Learning models, and generate new predictions. This makes it simple to work with Regex expressions, define custom entities like substrings, numbers/dates/categorical which are often used in data science tasks like Sentiment Analysis, Anomaly Detection etc., follow process flow (flow of execution), history tracking (for undo operations), dynamic data modeling – just to name a few!